Attestation of Academic Staff - Opportunity or Barrier in Career Development


Venelin Terziev1 and Marusya Lyubcheva2

1Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural History, Professor, Eng., D.Sc. (National Security), D.Sc. (Economics), D.Sc. (Social Activities), Ph.D.

Kaneff University Hospital, Rousse, Bulgaria; Russian Academy of Natural History, Moscow, Russia,

2Associate Professor, Ph.D., University “Prof. d-r Assen Zlatarov”, Bourgas, Bulgaria



The criteria for attesting the academic staff are part of the respective regulations of the autonomous higher education institutions. They shall lay down the entire procedure for carrying out this process. With the introduction of the new Law on the Development of Academic Staff in the Republic of Bulgaria and the Regulation for its implementation, criteria for registration in a national portal with certain criteria were introduced. With these actions the Bulgarian Ministry of Education wants to unify the minimum requirements for holding academic positions and obtaining scientific degrees. At the next stage, the policy in this respect involves greater funding of the scientific work relevant to the attestation of academic staff.

This study aims to establish the prerequisites for changing the attestation system, the possibilities for its linking with the financing of scientific research activities, as well as the perspectives for career growth.

Keywords: attestation, academic staff, barrier, career development.



CITATION:Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2022- 9th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, 13-14 June 2022

ISBN: 978-605-06286-6-1